Our Photo Policy
Photographs are a wonderful way to remember your visit to Reid’s Orchard. We encourage visitors to take casual photographs for their personal use.
Professional Photographers and anyone who is coming to the orchard for the sole purpose of taking posed photos of people or animals must obtain a permit available at The Apple House. Permit fee is $50.00, payable before the photo session by check or cash only. Fees will not be pro-rated.
A permit is necessary for those who wish to use Reid’s Orchard as the background for posed photography. This includes weddings, family, engagement, graduation, prom, senior photos, etc. Photographer doesn’t necessarily mean professional.
Wedding ceremonies, receptions or other special occasions scheduled at Reid’s Orchard are welcome to take their photographs during their rental time at no additional fee.
Reid’s Orchard reserves the right to ask anyone at any time to leave if the following guidelines are not followed and your permit rights could be taken away.
Mini-Sessions – a studio or individual announces that they will be available to photograph families, individuals, students, animals, etc. on a specific date and time.
For a copy of the policy, please email valerie@reidorchard.com
Photo Guidelines
- Photographers must text Valerie (270-316-2772) when arriving & leaving the orchard. Photographers must meet their clients at The Apple House and proceed to their site as a group.
- All parties involved in the photo shoot must park across the street from the store. If taking pictures on the avenue, always pull cars all the way off the road and on the right hand side.
- Entry to the barns is prohibited. All parties must stay out of all barns. DO NOT remove items from barn or climb trees.
- All photography must be family friendly! No suggestive photos are allowed on Reid Orchard’s property.
- You may be asked at any time to move to a different location if it will interfere with our daily work.
- If photographers schedule mini-sessions, an additional fee of $10 an hour with a maximum of $100 per day will be applied.
- Other photographers may also be on the property during your session. Please be courteous of their photo session.
- Wedding parties coming to Reid’s will be charged a fee of $100. This excludes weddings already booked.
Your photography sessions may take place during business hours Monday – Friday. All after our hours photography sessions will be an additional cost.
For scheduling a photo session after hours or on the weekends, you have to email valerie@reidorchard.com. This is to avoid conflict with previously scheduled wedding, receptions, etc.
Please call (270) 685-2444 if you are unsure about our business hours. They change from time to time.

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